Ahhhh crap who turned out the lights! I can’t see my hand in front of …….. (boom, floodlights came on). Oh crap we have landed in a DEADZONE!

Haha so here we go i was meant to be doing some walking dead battle reports but while writing them up I got bored as nothing really stood out! One battle report I will be writing up is my own scenario, rick carl and Ezekiel are on the hunt for supply’s for negans offering and they stumble across an articulated truck what’s inside? Food or walkers?

So instead I’m going to do a report on my favourite sci-fi adventures in the warpath universe! Where do I start ok how about deadzone, you know the sci-fi skirmish game played on a 2 by 2 board with small factions vying for control of the illustrious deadzone a for financial gain, whew yea that one. Well I say for financial but that’s just the enforcers who fight for the corporations and the mercenaries and possibly the rebels too depending on their current goal, the forge fathers just want to expand their knowledge and there is bucket loads of “lost” knowledge to be found in deadzones, the marauders just like a good fight which is why where there’s fighting there’s marauders 🙂 yay we like them! And finally the asterians now I like this faction a lot because there is little known about them so I can generally write my own stories for this faction, now we know they fight from orbit remote piloting their marionette or cypher robots to eliminate all risk of harm to themselves but what else is known? I was considering writing a few short stories for them (recently sold a short story to asimovs) but I might have to ask permission first not sure lol.

So having outlined deadzone you can see why I got distracted lol, I have a whole tray full of models to paint as have now finished assembling and rebasing consisting of marauders asterians Rebs and the plague 🙂

The warpath universe is massive you have the original warpath which is a large scale army battle game, deadzone the skirmish game and dreadball the universes deadliest sport 🙂 oh not orgetting star saga the new sci-fi dungeon crawler in warpath universe!

So yes very exciting stuff and loads more happening this year as dreadball 2.0 is on the horizon going to have to write on that, along with a deadzone summer campaign! I also believe there will be a new faction entering the universe during the campaign!

Welcome to the warpath universe I hope you all enjoy it as much as I am and will bring you painting tutorials and write ups on all the latest happenings 🙂

Until next time