Ok so here goes I’ve finally found the motivation to move forward and write my blog again, a few weeks ago was my last post and I was trying to do a post a day although I think I was going to have to revise that to a post or two a week as everyday was a bit much for me, however on my last post I recieved my first troll comments which I promptly deleted and didn’t respond to no fuel no fire I say. However since then at the back of my mind those comments have sat and fermented and really gave me a knock so I lost all motivation for my blog and my hobby, I know this is true of a lot of people however having asperges really does amplify theese feelings I may not be able to show them but that doesn’t mean I don’t feel them, I always consider myself thick skinned and while I’m not going o lose sleep over someone dropping a needless hateful comment it will make me lose steam and question what I’m doing especially as the comments were directed straight at my ability in my hobby, now being told your no good is one thing but being told your no good when all your trying to do is help others with tutorials or commissions is another but I was in the process of a commission and have since finished it and the feedback I recieved was amazing and really lifted men back up, also feedback from genuine people with criticism or praise has helped me a lot, and yes I enjoy criticism when it’s genuine as it helps me to improve it’s all about taking it on board and using it to your advantage.

So after all the llama drama I’ve decided to pick back up where I left off and tackle asperges and my hobby head on!

This week I intend to out out two posts one is a tutorial on painting a post apocalyptic bus! And the other about my confidence with asperges or lack of it haha.

So good o be back and hope to see you all in the comment section
